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Friday, December 17, 2010

Camfrog - Download Camfrog 5.5 Terbaru Freeware Video Chat Rooms

Mungkin bagi yang sudah sering menggunakan Program Aplikasi ini sudah gak heran dan gak perlu tanya apa itu Camfrog?tapi bagi yang baru tahu bagaimana sih Chatting itu dan program apa saja yang bisa untuk Chattingan dengan teman sahabat.Nah..Salah satu dari beberapa software yang bisa kita gunakan untuk ngobrol online di internet adalah dengan Program Camfrog ini.Camfrog gak jauh beda dengan YM atau Yahoo Messenger,cuma bedanya,bedanya apa yahh?hehehe,saya sudah lama gak menggunakan software ini,saya seringnya kalau Chatting dengan Paltalk saja hehehe.

YM 11 - Download Yahoo Messenger 11 Final Terbaru Offline Installer Full

Yahoo Messenger, - Setelah ngomongin aplikasi chatting Camfrog kayaknya agak agak gimana gitu kalau gak ngomongin Yahoo Messenger atau yang biasa enak disebut YM ini,karena program ini juga yang biasa dalam sehari harinya saya gunakan,meskipun kalau saya sendiri sudah jadi kebiasaan online tapi status selalu Invisible to everyone hehehe,yup karena main YM juga jarang pm2an sama temen,biasa cuma sekedar ingin tahu saja,siapa tahu ada temen yang kirim offline message,atau ada kiriman rejeki nomplok,kirim dolar lewat emailkan lumayan hehehe.Software Yahoo messenger kalau file installernya langsung dari situs resminya biasanya hanya file yang berukuran 408,28 KB,yang mana dalam menginstalnya memerlukan koneksi Internet,gak jauh beda dengan file installernya Google Chrome,ya kalau pas koneksi bagus mungkin gak jadi masalah,kalau pas lagi lelet,lemot,LoLa bin Loading Lamban bangeett..bisa bisa gak selesai menginstalnya.

Free Download Internet Explorer 8 Windows XP dan Vista

Internet Explorer, - Kembali lagi kemasalah Browser Internet,setelah semalam membahas masalah Aplikasi untuk Chatting Yahoo Messenger,kalau melihat Google search engine tentang pencarian Internet Explorer ini saya sendiri agak bingung,memangnya sudah ada yaah internet explorer 10 atau yang versi 11,bahkan ada di pencarian google sampai IE yang versi 13?,kalau setahu saya browser IE baru nyampek versi 9,sayangnya versi 9 ini tidak bisa di instal pada Windows XP maupun vista sepertinya,bisa hanya untuk Windows yang terbaru,yaitu Windows 7 a.k.a seven.Nah bagi anda yang masih menggunakan Windows XP Proffesional atau yang biasa,dan browser IEnya masih menggunakan yang standart yaitu Internet Explorer 6,ada baiknya untuk segera mengupdate atau menggantinya dengan versi yang 8 ini.

Internet Explorer 8 Windows XP dan VistaKenapa dengan IE 8,selain lebih ringan kalau menurut saya,tampilannya juga lebih manis kayak gula hehehe,hampir kayak google chrome tapi sayang masih berat IEnya.selain itu juga Internet Explorer versi 8 ini sudah memiliki Open New tab kayak Mozilla Firefox maupun Opera,jadi gak terlalu banyak membuka browser jika anda membuka beberapa situs secara bersamaan.Gimana ingin menginstal Internet Explorer 8 di PC anda.

- Untuk Windows XP silahkan Download Disini dan
- Untuk Windows Vista silahkan Klik Disini.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cara Menyambungkan Twitter Dengan Facebook « Turis Internet

Cara Menyambungkan Twitter Dengan Facebook « Turis Internet: "Buat kalian pengguna Twitter yang juga menggunakan Facebook, dan kebetulan sekarang kalian sedang mencari tahu bagaimana caranya menyambungkan Twitter kalian dengan Facebook kalian sehingga setiap kali kalian meng-update status Twitter kalian maka secara otomatis status kalian di Facebook pun akan ter-update.

Caranya gampang saja, kalian cukup menggunakan aplikasi Twitter untuk Facebook, nama aplikasinya adalah Twitter on Facebook. Install saja seperti biasa aplikasinya, lalu setelah selesai diinstall jangan lupa aktifkan pilihan yang isinya memberikan ijin bagi Twitter untuk meng-update status Facebook kalian secara otomatis, saya lupa persisnya dimana lokasi pilihan tersebut tapi kalau tidak salah ada di menu setting-nya aplikasi tersebut.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Photographer Caleb Charland Captures Moments of Inception - - Yahoo! Buzz

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How To Add A Related Post Widget

There is a reader of this blog who asked Kang Rohman on how to make a Related Post Widget in blogger. Well…can we make it? Don't worry because I can make it for you and it is easy.

There are some advantages by adding related post widget in our blog; the readers will be able to find the articles that relate to the article they reading and it also gives an advantage for the blow owner because the readers can stay in the blog longer.
If you are interested in adding that widget, just read the guide below;

How To Hide Blogger Navbar

You have known blogger navbar, haven't you? If you haven't, you can see at the top of your blog. There you can see a bar, the bar has some important functions, they are; as blogger search, give a flag to tell blogger, log in or log out and others. Below is called as Blogger navbar:

In fact, many bloggers don't like the presence of this navbar and want to hide it. Can we disappear

Making a Blog in Magazine Style Template

magazine_03 Since WordPress Theme with Magazine Style Theme appeared, e.g; Mimbo Theme, Revolution Theme, Arthemia Theme and many more, it seems that there is a new trend in making theme or template, that is adopting Magazine Style Theme or Magazine Style Template. One of the real victims is Kang Rohman himselfBig Grin, in the latest two templates that I released; I named them magazine template, though they are not 100 % adopted from Magazine Style Template.
The special characteristic of magazine style template is that there is a column or blog content that can be disappeared when we are reading the whole text or even there is a column that can appear and disappear.

What is Social Bookmark Network site?

When we are reading the tips from master bloggers on how to increase the blog visitors or web, they often say "submit your articles into Social Bookmark Site" or Social bookmark Network or Favorite Bookmark and others
For newbie or new blogger in blogging, they are often confused with those words, and maybe they will ask a question" What is Social Bookmark Network site?" and what can we can from it?"
Hmmm..for you who have been blogging in blogspheres may forget those who don't understand about this, and we often forget that we used to be like them (newbie). For you who still don't understand about Social Bookmark site and its advantages, lets find out its information together.

How to Migrate from Classic Template into New Temp...

classic Two days ago, someone asked Kang Rohman. He said that he clicked link "Revert To Classic Template", so his template changed into Classic template.
Then, he asked Kang Rohman on how to change classic template into new template!
The steps are as follows. Before changing it, make sure you have backed up your template so if unexpected something happens; you are still able to backup and return to the normal condition.

Solutions Not To Make Favicon Disappear Frequently

favicon You have read Kang Rohman tutorial about "Add Favicon to Your Blog URL Address", haven't you? However, many readers who get confused because the favicon of ten disappear and only blogger logo appears. Is there a solution to handle this matter? Well, to handle disappeared favicon, you can use some tips below;
  • Make sure that the extension of your favicon image is .ico, not the others 
Perhaps, you have ever tried to make favicon image with the other extension, except .ico, for

Tutorial on Making Horizontal Navigation

Recently, Hazirah Online has got many questions on how to make navigation button, like HOME,, FREE TEMPLATE, ELECTRONIC RUBRIC, and as seen in below illustration:
Actually, I have explained about this topic. Please read my post about "Vertical-1 menu", "Make Drop down Menu With CSS". You might be interested in one of navigation menu I have ever posted.

Google Pages / Google Page Creator is closed

google page creator Many people have known about this information. but many haven't known it yet. A few months ago, kang rohman posted or informed about one of Google service, Google Pages or Google Page Creator, with Google page creator, we can save various kinds of data, e.g; images, JavaScript, CSS, and others. But, now we can't use it anymore because Google page creator will be closed in the end of this year. And they will change it with a new service "Google Site".
Below is the information quote of Google Page Creator:

BlogUpp! : Alternative to look for the traffic

blogupp Many ways we can do to look for the traffic for our blog or website, some of them are by searching Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Submit to Social bookmarking, Join the forum and many else. However, there is other alternative to look for the traffic that is by adding BlogUpp! Widget in blog.
If you add BlogUpp! Widget, the banner of blog or web of other blogger will appear in your blog, and your blog banner will appear in other blogger blog or web, too as long as they add BlogUpp! widget. In addition, we can say that we exchange banner each other, but it work automatically.
Adding BlogUpp! Widget! In your blog is very easy and practical. Below are the specialties of BlogUpp! Widget That I quoted from its original web.

Showing Top Commentators in Blogger

topcommentators When we are visiting our friends' blog which uses WordPress, we sometimes find the blogs use Top Commentators plug in, right! What is To Commentator used for? Well, it is used to show the most visitors who give comments to the articles. The top commentators are usually shown in the sidebar.
Now, is there a widget for blogger machine? Is there a widget that can show the top commentators in blogger? The answer is yes. It happens because there are many bloggers lovers who participate in making Top Commentator Widget for blogger so that blogger look nicer to look at.
Top Commentator Widget was firstly created by this blog owner and then developed by this blog owner. How about Kang Rohman? Well, Caniago Online got this information from Kang Rohman's friend, oom.
To add Top Commentator Widget, you simply need to insert this script into your blog :

Add Yahoo! Buzz Button in Blogger Template

yahoobuzz Someone has asked Kang Rohman "How To Add Yahoo! Buzz Button in Blogger?" In this tutorial, I would like to try explaining how we can add Yahoo Buzz Button in blogger. And I hope that it will be useful for others.
What is the advantage of adding Yahoo! Buzz Button in blog? The advantage is to ease the blog owner or blog visitors to submit the article they think interesting into Yahoo! buzz. More articles which are submitted to Yahoo Buzz, More frequent your articles shown on the yahoo! buzz front page. and of course, it would make your blog have much traffic afterwards.
If you are interested in adding Yahoo! Buzz Button in your blog, just read the following tricks.
First, please choose the form of yahoo! Buzz button you like in this page. Match your choice with tour template design; click Get Code next to the button you like, click Select Code, copy the code and paste into notepad or other text editors. Save in your computer. Code will be used and added in blogger template.

Doa Awal Tahun & Doa Akhir Tahun

Doa Awal Tahun & Doa Akhir Tahun
Imam al-Hakim meriwayatkan dalam "al-Mustadrak 'ala ash-Shohihain" dengan sanad daripada Sayyidina Abu Hurairah RA bahawa Junjungan Nabi SAW bersabda:-

Berdoalah kalian kepada Allah dengan keyakinan yang ianya akan diijabahkan Allah, dan ketahuilah bahawasanya Allah tidak menerima doa daripada hati yang lalai dan leka (yakni tiada kesungguhan)."

Free Software: PHP and HTML Editor

php editor Would you like to be a Web designer? If the answer is yes, then you should master the basics of programming, such as; CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL and others. Besides mastering them, you should understand the software to manage the pictures, such as; adobe Photoshop, Corel draw, Macromedia flash player and others.
If you want to try to study about them, try to study about HTML program or PHP.
In order to make you easier to study, use the supporting software, for example PHP editor or HTML editor. You can buy this software in software seller, but if you want to get the free software, you can get it, too. Kang Rohman has tried free software called PHP editor, even though it is free but they are good enough. We can not only use it for editing PHP

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Google Feedburner

Sekalipun banyak widget recent posts telah disediakan secara gratis oleh beberapa situs termasuk blogger, namun mungkin sampeyan akan tertarik untuk coba memasang dan menggunakan widget recent posts yang diberikan secara cuma-cuma oleh feedburner yang tak lain dan tak bukan merupakan saudara laki-laki dan masih satu darah dengan blogger/blogspot. Atau mungkin sampeyan masih ragu-ragu dan mengatakan, "apa sih untungnya pakai widget recent posts milik feedburner?", dan masih sembari memicingkan mata menelusuri kata demi kata mungkin terselip sebuah pernyataan, "toh blogger sendiri sudah menyediakan widget ini? Huh ..., ngapain musti repot-repot cari yang lain!".

Hmmm... jika mungkin sampeyan ragu atau malas, akan lebih afdol sekiranya untuk mencoba melihat terlebih duhulu seperti apa sih sebenarnya tongkrongan widget recent posts pemberian feedburner yang telah dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan kode CSS3 ini. He ... he ... perlu sampeyan ketahui juga satu hal yang spesial dari widget ini. Ho ... ho ... Dia mempunyai kecepatan sangat baik dalam inventarisasi data posting kita, lhoh. Hi ... so pasti loadingnya jadi wus ... wus ....wus... atau dalam istilah lain: dia punya kecepatan sangat bagus saat inventarisasi data posting hingga blog juga tetap lancar loadingnya. Heh ... heh .... Gimana? Jadi sedikit penasaran? Makanya ... nih lihat dulu demonya ... trus ... segera buat dan pasang widgetnya!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Posted: 05 Dec 2010 10:04 AM PST
Jampete blogger template adalah template blogger yang sengaja saya buat dengan desain sederhana. Sama halnya dengan template green hurdico dan green spitial, jampete sengaja saya buat dengan kolom terpisah antara postingan dan sidebar. Dan seperti biasa 3 kolom pada bagian footer menjadi alternatif untuk meletakkan widget-widget yang berlebihan juga saya tambahkan pada jampete.

Berbeda dari template-template sebelumnya, kali ini saya coba tambahkan slider menu pada bagian atas. Namun begitu slider menu tersebut tidak mutlak harus

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