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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


1) Hair fertilizerTake the taste of fresh aloe vera leaves and split. Take a leaf meats such as gelatin and rubbed into the scalp. Subsequently the hair is wrapped in a cloth and allow some time to soak into the scalp before washing.
2) Treating Hair Loss is easyPrepare 40 g of aloe vera leaves, leaf cup 20 g, 20 g young leaves of hibiscus, and hazelnut oil 50 ml. Mash all the leaves until smooth. The result of the collision is mixed with hazelnut oil. This herb is attached to the scalp. Allow for some time (longer is better) before washing.3) burns or hot water splashed by the LightPaste the meat leaves the body parts that hurt.4) UlcersMeat leaf aloe vera plus salt and placed on the ulcer5) Diabetes BloodPick 15 g of fresh aloe vera leaves. Squeeze and take the water. Add 30 g of sugar and a little rice water before drinking.6) HemorrhoidsPrepare ТН aloe vera leaves. Dispose of needles and then washed clean. Grate the leaves and add ТН cup of boiled water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir the mixture, then filtered. By drinking this mixture 3 times a day are expected to recover soon hemorrhoids.7) SiphylisCut flowers of aloe vera. Boil with meat and a little water. Cooking water and then drunk.

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