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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to Install WordPress 3.0.1

The newest wordpress which is wordpress version 3.0.1 enables us to have our custom wordpress database prefix from installation proccess.

how to install wordpress 3.1

Steps to install wordpress 3.0.1


1. Downloading files from Save the file in your desktop, because we need it to install wordpress 3.
2. Upload this file with your favourite FTP client. Filezilla is the best one for installing wordpress 3 via FTP.

WordPress video tutorial source.
3. Files are already uploaded to your webserver, now time to create database.
We need database to be configured, because wordpress is a dynamic site which needs to store your contents and any informations you have.
The most popular is phpMyadmin.
Database wizard icon:
My sql databases icon
So after you create database, you should create a database user, then add this database user to have “all” previledges to the database you just made.
create database wordpress
add database username
add username to database
After Click "add" click "gives all previledges"
4. Go back to your wordpress files that are uploaded in the server. Extract them if it still has a zip format.
extract wordpress zip
The files should be inside “wordpress” folder. Click this folder, you should see lots of files.
Wordpress folder
Click “select all” and then click “move file”
select and move wordpress
Move it in /public_html or /htdocs or /www.
delete wordpress after public html
This will install wordpress 3 in the root. If you don’t move the files, it will be installed and accessed in
You do not want that, you want people type and it will bring you t0 the blog.
5. Look for wp-config-sample.php and rename this to wp-config.php
6. Open this file, you should see something like this:
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘type your database name here’);
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘type your database user name here’);
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘type in your SQL database’s password here’);
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
The rest, leave everything by default, but click the link to get your secret api keys. This is very important to protect your blog.
Save the wp-config.php file.
7. Open your installer, by typing in your browser: domain/wp-admin/install.php
Follow the instructions. (try to remember or write down your pass somewhere, this you will need to login after you install wordpress 3.).

Install wordpress 3 successful message.

If everything goes right, you will be notified that you successfully installed wordpress 3.
Tips: For the security, open your wp-config.php files, it should show the random unique keys, if they are not there, go the highlighted URL to generate the API key.
wp config unique key
Login to your dashboard, and you should have a wordpress blog installed. See how easy for us to install wordpress 3.

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