Search 2.0

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Increasing Your Visitors With Meta Tag

metatag One of our motivations to make a blog is that our articles or pictures can be read by many people or visitors. We expect the visitors from many sources and one of them is from search engine, e.g; Google, yahoo, msn and others.
In order to make our blog get a lot of attention from search engine, we have to add Meta tag at the header of the template we are using.
Meta tag is divided into four aspects and the aspects that people often use as follows;
  • Meta tag keywords
The code that is often installed for Meta keyword is as follows;
<meta content=’ your keywords here' name='keywords'/>
Below is the sample to install Meta tag keywords:

<meta content='blog, blogspot, blogger, blogspot tutorial, tutorial blog, tutorial blogspot, tutorial, CSS, menu, navigation, JavaScript, template, blogspot template' name='keywords'/>
From the sample above, we can install some keywords which are assumed as the main targets of our blog, among keywords are separated by coma. However, try not to add more than 30 keywords and the keywords should be relevant with the articles in our blog. Meta tag Description
The code that is usually installed for meta tag description is as follows;
<meta content='your blog description here' name='description'/>
Below is the sample to install meta tag description:
<meta content='Tips and trick to easy blogging at blogspot also free download e-book and template' name='description'/>
The blog description is surely matched with the blog content.   If you are still confused to add meta tag in blogspot, just follow the guidance below.
  1. Log in into blogger
  2. Click Layout
  3. Click EDIT HTML tab
  4. Click Download Full template and please back up first. (important)
  5. Find the code below: <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> .
  6. Add the meta tag code that you have made right under the code below <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> .
    <meta content='your blog description here' name='description'/>
    <meta content=’ your keywords here’ name=’keywords’/>
  8. Finish
However, if you still confused in making meta tag, now there are many online tools to make meta tag correctly. You only put some keywords and the interest description, then click generate button, your meta tag is made in a short time. One of the website that offers this service is .
Have a nice trying!

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