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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Make a marquee effect

What is the marquee? Marquee is a HTML code to make an object can moving or walk. Marquee code is a popular code because many blogger using this code at them blog's. Marquee effect can make by using ... tag . However marquee just work if viewed at Internet explorer, if you looking at Firefox it's bad looking.

The attribute which almost used is :

BGCOLOR="color" → to manage background color of an object (teks, image, ..etc).

DIRECTION="left/right/up/down" → to manage direction of the moving object .

BEHAVIOR="scroll/slide/alternate" → to manage behavior of the moving object .

Scroll → object moving scroll.

Slide → object moving 1 time and then stop.

Alternate → object moving from left to right and then return again.

TITLE='message" → The title or message will emerge when the computer mouse at the marquee object.

SCROLLMOUNT="number" → to manage the speed of marquee, ever greater of number is faster his speed.

SCROLLDELAY="number" → to manage delay time, it's on second.

LOOP="number|-1|infinite" → to manage sum of looping.

WIDTH="number" → to manage width of marquee object, it's on pixel (px) or persen (%).

So that clearer I will show the example :

The example of marquee from direction :

this is example of marquee, the text moving from rigt to the left

the result :

this is example of marquee, the text moving from rigt to the left

Change the word "left" with other word what you want, there is : right, up, down.

The example of marquee from behavior :

this is example of marquee from behavior

The result :

this is example of marquee from behavior

The example from marquee of text variation with background color.

The example of marquee of text variation with background color.

The result :

The example of marquee of text variation with background color.

There is differ various from marquee, namely when computer mouse is reside in the marquee area the object will stop and when computer mouse in re-shifting to the other place the object will moving again. To make this effect only adding a few code at the marquee code.

For example, Please drop your computer mouse to the marquee area :

Please drop your computer mouse to here and you will be see the effect

The result :

Please drop your computer mouse to here and you will be see the effect

The example of marquee with links object :

Rubrik Elektronik

Blog kang Rohman

UniQue Template

CSS Library

The result :

Rubrik Elektronik

Blog kang Rohman

UniQue Template

CSS Library

Perhaps only that for example, please creat other various of marquee effect with your self. See you at may next post. Happy blogging!

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