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Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is Social Bookmark Network site?

When we are reading the tips from master bloggers on how to increase the blog visitors or web, they often say “submit your articles into Social Bookmark Site” or Social bookmark Network or Favorite Bookmark and others
For newbie or new blogger in blogging, they are often confused with those words, and maybe they will ask a question” What is Social Bookmark Network site?” and what can we can from it?”
Hmmm..for you who have been blogging in blogspheres may forget those who don’t understand about this, and we often forget that we used to be like them (newbie). For you who still don’t understand about Social Bookmark site and its advantages, lets find out its information together.

While we are looking for complete info, Kang Rohman tries to share what Kang Rohman has known. What is Social Bookmark Network site? basically, Kang Rohman can say that Social Bookmarking Network site is a network site that function to mark the information in the Internet.
Generally, a website or blog will be posted or updated by the website or blog owner but different with social bookmark network because the content of the site will be filled by articles or information from other websites which are submitted into this site. Everyone can submit any useful articles or information.
What are the advantages of submitting our blog articles into Social Bookmark? Before knowing the advantages of submitting blog articles into Social Bookmark, we surely have to know how it works. If Kang Rohman tells you how it works, it would be probably like below;
First, submitting your articles into social bookmark can be done by everyone, not always by the admin or the blog owner. For example, if you feel that the article you are reading is useful and interesting and want to share the info with the others, you may submit that articles into social bookmark.
Second, in social bookmark site, there is Vote, you and anyone may give a vote to the article that you think the article is useful or interesting.
And there are still ways on how it work. From both ways, we can take a conclusion the advantages of submitting articles of a blog or site into the social bookmark., they are;
  1. Get a lot of visitors.
This is what the blogger master always promises about. They promise and talk about the advantages of submitting articles into social bookmark site. Why and why? Let’s pay attention!
In order to make it easier to understand, Kang Rohman takes one sample from one of social bookmark site, If you submit the article into, it means your article will be in and if your article is really interesting to read, the readers of the site perhaps will visit your blog. Article in is only summary and a link to your posting. Below is the screen shoot sample.
If the article is very interesting or useful to read, the readers will not hesitate to give a vote to your article. More vote will give a chance for our article to be shown on the sidebar and if your article is shown on the sidebar, thousands of readers will see the title of your articles. And if thousand readers see it, it is a big chance for them to visit our blog.
Sometimes the article we submit has good position in search engine, It is absolutely a gift of a lot of visitors for our blog or site.
     2. Get a lot of free back links (link popularity)
You know back links or link popularity, don’t you? More blog or site linked to our blog or site is good for our blog or site. If it is a commercial blog, many people don’t hesitate to spend hundred or even thousand dollars per month for getting back links from other site. If you submit your articles into social bookmark, you will get free back links.
There are still many advantages we can get if we submit our articles diligently and if kang rohman continue it again, this article will be very long.
Some social bookmark site are;  http://digg.comhttp://www.stumbleupon.comhttp://ma.gnolia.com,, and others
That’s why many masters often suggest us to submit our article into social bookmark site..
Good luck

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