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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Knowing the frame order

For today’s tutorial, I would like to tell about one of the functions of HTML code, that is <iframe> order. With <iframe> order, we can show the content of other people site or blog in our blog. Of course, we must get the permission for the site or blog owner to do that. The basic order of iframe is as folows;
<iframe> .... the content of iframe .... </iframe>
Some atributes that are often used in iframe are;
ALIGN="left/right" »» managing the iframe position
WIDTH="wide" »» managing the width of the iframe in pixel or percentage
HEIGHT="high" »» managing the height of iframe in pixel or percentage
FRAMEBORDER="frame border" »» giving the frame border
SCROLLING="auto/yes/no" »» giving or not giving scolling in
SRC="url address you want to use" »» url address that you want to show in iframe
To make you understand more, I give you twho sample of the <iframe> order. For example, the url address that I want to show is my other blog,, the widht is 500 pixel and height is 300 pixel.

  • IFRAME that doesn’t have frame order and scrolling facility. 
So, the code sample that I use is as below;

<iframe align="left" frameborder="10" src="" width="500" height="300" scrolling="auto"> </iframe> 

And the result is ;

  • IFRAME that has frame order and scrolling facility.
So, the code sample that I use is as below;

<iframe align="left" frameborder="10" src=""
width="500" height="300" scrolling="auto">

And the result is ;

Well, what do you think friends? With iframe, we surely can see the content of others blog in our blog. But, remember to ask the permission to the blog owner first if you don’t wish to get angry from them.
Have a nice experiment…pals!

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