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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Zoom effect With Fancy Zoom Script

fancyzoom If you want to save big size images in blog pages, you will get difficulties because the limitation of posting column or sidebar. To handle this problem, we can use many ways and one of them is through fancy zoom script. By using fancy zoom script, you only place a small picture in blog page whether it is in posting, page sidebar or footer.
So, when the small image is clicked by your blog readers, it will be zoomed into bigger image. The small image changes into big image. Click here to see the nice effect of fancy zoom.
In order to make zooming effect as I explained and gave the sample, you need script called fancy zoom. Actually, this script is usually used in WordPress. However after Kang Rohman tried it in blogger, it worked well. If you are interested in making zoom effect

Make Slide Show Tab View menu

tabview Have you ever visited One of the most famous newspaper website in Indonesia... At the left of the site, you can see a tab menu which is usually called “Tab View”. Why is it called Tab Menu? Because when the tab is clicked, it will move the menu content (wanna prove, just click the tab). However, it is a little different from the normal tab menu. The tab menu usually shows the content of the menu in turn or what we usually call “slide show”. Kang Rohman takes a conclusion that menu has 2 functions; as a “Tab View” and “Slide Show”.
Kang Rohman was interested in that tab menu, tried to apply it in blogger template and it works. To see the sample of Slide Show Tab View menu, please visit and pay attention to the left side of the top, there you can see the menu that is similar to the menu in
If you are interested in making Slide Show Tab View menu, please follow the steps below.

Increasing Your Visitors With Meta Tag

metatag One of our motivations to make a blog is that our articles or pictures can be read by many people or visitors. We expect the visitors from many sources and one of them is from search engine, e.g; Google, yahoo, msn and others.
In order to make our blog get a lot of attention from search engine, we have to add Meta tag at the header of the template we are using.
Meta tag is divided into four aspects and the aspects that people often use as follows;
  • Meta tag keywords
The code that is often installed for Meta keyword is as follows;
<meta content=’ your keywords here' name='keywords'/>
Below is the sample to install Meta tag keywords:

How To Add A Related Post Widget

There is a reader of this blog who asked Kang Rohman on how to make a Related Post Widget in blogger. Well…can we make it? Don’t worry because I can make it for you and it is easy.
There are some advantages by adding related post widget in our blog; the readers will be able to find the articles that relate to the article they reading and it also gives an advantage for the blow owner because the readers can stay in the blog longer.
If you are interested in adding that widget, just read the guide below;

How To Hide Blogger Navbar

You have known blogger navbar, haven’t you? If you haven’t, you can see at the top of your blog. There you can see a bar, the bar has some important functions, they are; as blogger search, give a flag to tell blogger, log in or log out and others. Below is called as Blogger navbar:
In fact, many bloggers don’t like the presence of this navbar and want to hide it. Can we disappear it? Yes, we can. But before disappear it, please ask blogger if we can disappear it or not because I am afraid that it will break the blogger rules and will not responsible for any effect from disappearing the blogger navbar.
Disappear the Blogger Navbar

  1. Log in into blogger with your ID
  2. Click Layout
  3. Click EDIT HTML tab
  4. Click Download Full template. Back up your template first (important!)
  5. Find the code which is similar to the code below, focus at the body code:
    body {
    background: #8F8E8E;
    width: 100%;
    color: #000000;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana;
    margin: 0px auto 0px;
    padding: 0px;
  6. Copy and paste the following code above the body  {….} :
    #navbar-iframe  {
    display : none;
    height : 0;
    visibility : hidden;
  8. Finished and now your blog navbar has hidden.
Besides the steps above, there is still another alternative through AUTO HIDE, this auto hide is safer from breaking the blogger rules because we don’t disappear the navbar but only hide it. If we drop the mouse to navbar, then the navbar will appear again. These steps will not work normally in Internet explorer browser but work well in other browser.
Below are the steps to hide the navbar.
  1. Log in into blogger with your ID
  2. Click Layout
  3. Click EDIT HTML tab
  4. Click Download Full template. Back up your template first (important!)
  5. Find the code which is similar to the code below, focus at the body code:
    body {
    background: #8F8E8E;
    width: 100%;
    color: #000000;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana;
    margin: 0px auto 0px;
    padding: 0px;
  6. Copy and paste the following code above the body  {….} :
    #navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
  8. Finished and now your blog navbar has AUTO HIDE.
. I hope it is easier to understand and happy blogging

Making a Blog in Magazine Style Template

magazine_03 Since WordPress Theme with Magazine Style Theme appeared, e.g; Mimbo Theme, Revolution Theme, Arthemia Theme and many more, it seems that there is a new trend in making theme or template, that is adopting Magazine Style Theme or Magazine Style Template. One of the real victims is Kang Rohman himselfBig Grin, in the latest two templates that I released; I named them magazine template, though they are not 100 % adopted from Magazine Style Template.
The special characteristic of magazine style template is that there is a column or blog content that can be disappeared when we are reading the whole text or even there is a column that can appear and disappear.

What is Social Bookmark Network site?

When we are reading the tips from master bloggers on how to increase the blog visitors or web, they often say “submit your articles into Social Bookmark Site” or Social bookmark Network or Favorite Bookmark and others
For newbie or new blogger in blogging, they are often confused with those words, and maybe they will ask a question” What is Social Bookmark Network site?” and what can we can from it?”
Hmmm..for you who have been blogging in blogspheres may forget those who don’t understand about this, and we often forget that we used to be like them (newbie). For you who still don’t understand about Social Bookmark site and its advantages, lets find out its information together.

How to Migrate from Classic Template into New Template

classic Two days ago, someone asked Kang Rohman. He said that he clicked link “Revert To Classic Template”, so his template changed into Classic template.
Then, he asked Kang Rohman on how to change classic template into new template!
The steps are as follows. Before changing it, make sure you have backed up your template so if unexpected something happens; you are still able to backup and return to the normal condition.

Solutions Not To Make Favicon Disappear Frequently

favicon You have read Kang Rohman tutorial about “Add Favicon to Your Blog URL Address”, haven’t you? However, many readers who get confused because the favicon of ten disappear and only blogger logo appears. Is there a solution to handle this matter? Well, to handle disappeared favicon, you can use some tips below;
  • Make sure that the extension of your favicon image is .ico, not the others
Perhaps, you have ever tried to make favicon image with the other extension, except .ico, for example .gif. .jpg. Or else. Actually, after you uploaded it, the favicon will appear but sometimes it disappears. That’s why; you have to change it with .ico.  Please read the my previous tutor to change the favicon image.

Tutorial on Making Horizontal Navigation

Recently, Caniago Online has got many questions on how to make navigation button, like HOME,, FREE TEMPLATE, ELECTRONIC RUBRIC, and as seen in below illustration:
Actually, I have explained about this topic. Please read my post about “Vertical-1 menu”, ”Make Drop down Menu With CSS”. You might be interested in one of navigation menu I have ever posted.
Some bloggers can’t find the articles about making navigation button but some can find it and have succeeded to make navigation button. However, when they were trying to insert the link address into the buttons, they could not do that. It means that Kang Rohman tutorial is not clear yet. That’s why in this post, I would like to explain more clearly and hopefully that you will understand.

Google Pages / Google Page Creator is closed

google page creator Many people have known about this information. but many haven’t known it yet. A few months ago, kang rohman posted or informed about one of Google service, Google Pages or Google Page Creator, with Google page creator, we can save various kinds of data, e.g; images, JavaScript, CSS, and others. But, now we can’t use it anymore because Google page creator will be closed in the end of this year. And they will change it with a new service “Google Site”.
Below is the information quote of Google Page Creator:

BlogUpp! : Alternative to look for the traffic

blogupp Many ways we can do to look for the traffic for our blog or website, some of them are by searching Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Submit to Social bookmarking, Join the forum and many else. However, there is other alternative to look for the traffic that is by adding BlogUpp! Widget in blog.
If you add BlogUpp! Widget, the banner of blog or web of other blogger will appear in your blog, and your blog banner will appear in other blogger blog or web, too as long as they add BlogUpp! widget. In addition, we can say that we exchange banner each other, but it work automatically.
Adding BlogUpp! Widget! In your blog is very easy and practical. Below are the specialties of BlogUpp! Widget That I quoted from its original web.

Showing Top Commentators in Blogger

topcommentators When we are visiting our friends’ blog which uses WordPress, we sometimes find the blogs use Top Commentators plug in, right! What is To Commentator used for? Well, it is used to show the most visitors who give comments to the articles. The top commentators are usually shown in the sidebar.
Now, is there a widget for blogger machine? Is there a widget that can show the top commentators in blogger? The answer is yes. It happens because there are many bloggers lovers who participate in making Top Commentator Widget for blogger so that blogger look nicer to look at.
Top Commentator Widget was firstly created by this blog owner and then developed by this blog owner. How about Kang Rohman? Well, Caniago Online got this information from Kang Rohman’s friend, oom.
To add Top Commentator Widget, you simply need to insert this script into your blog :

Add Yahoo! Buzz Button in Blogger Template

yahoobuzz Someone has asked Kang Rohman "How To Add Yahoo! Buzz Button in Blogger?" In this tutorial, I would like to try explaining how we can add Yahoo Buzz Button in blogger. And I hope that it will be useful for others.
What is the advantage of adding Yahoo! Buzz Button in blog? The advantage is to ease the blog owner or blog visitors to submit the article they think interesting into Yahoo! buzz. More articles which are submitted to Yahoo Buzz, More frequent your articles shown on the yahoo! buzz front page. and of course, it would make your blog have much traffic afterwards.
If you are interested in adding Yahoo! Buzz Button in your blog, just read the following tricks.
First, please choose the form of yahoo! Buzz button you like in this page. Match your choice with tour template design; click Get Code next to the button you like, click Select Code, copy the code and paste into notepad or other text editors. Save in your computer. Code will be used and added in blogger template.

Free Icons For Website and Weblog

macfolder Do you like designing and beautifying your blog with some kinds of icons? If you like it, below are some websites which provide beautiful icons and can be downloaded freely. It means that you don't have to work hard to seek icons. Just download and add in your blogs as you like.

Tutorial on adding Alexa Widget in Blog

Alexa Certified Site Stats for
Continuing the previous article about alexa rank, now I would like to tell about more detail about adding alexa widget in blog. This posting is special for those who are still confused to add alexa widget not for advance bloggers because it won’t be useful Before reading the main topic that is about steps to add alexa widget in blog you had better know the advantages you will get if you add alexa in your blog. Ok, in my previous posting Kang Rohman told that one of the ways to increase alexa rank is by adding alexa widget in our web or blog.
As we know that alexa rank will make a ranking based on the numbers of visitors to our blog or web, more visitor better alexa rank. How can alexa know the visitor numbers of the web or blog? Alexa will know it based on computers which have installed alexa toolbar. But not all people install alexa browser in their internet browser? That’s why there is another alternative for blog or web owners. They can add alexa widget in their blog or web in order to get the accurate data about the visitors who come to our blog or web. By adding the alexa widget in the blog or web, them alexa machine will know accurately how many visitors and page views in our blog or web.

What is Alexa Rank? Recently Caniago Online often gets e-mails which ask me about Alexa Rank or what is Alexa Ranking? Well, after thinking the questions, it seems interesting to talk about it in this blog. Besides increasing my vocabulary of keywords for uncle Google, this topic is also good for killing my boredom after playing with script or template codes almost everyday.
In order to fulfill the curiosity of the readers who have asked about Alexa Rank, below is some writing of Kang Rohman that deal with Alexa Rank.

What is Alexa Rank?
To define what Alexa rank is, Kang Rohman quotes directly from and here is its original quote;
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffic data sources, and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on a value derived from these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.
Because the definition is directly from, so it is very accurate and trustable.
How does know the number of traffics or visits in our blog?
As the definition above, the information of visitors or traffics number in our blog is taken from alexa toolbar which has been installed in internet users. If the alexa toolbar is installed in the browser we use, then, will identify how many visitors and page view in our website or blog. After the data is collected, then the alexa machine will automatically make ranking in that website or blog.
Alexa rank starts from 1 and the best ranking is of, course one (1), the same as the ranking in school. The boy with ranking one is the most diligent student in the class. The smaller alexa rank a website or blog has, the better alexa ranking a website or blog gets or it means that ranking quality of the website or blog gets better. It is extremely opposite with Google Page Rank, if the page rank is high, it means the website or blog is good and has a lot of traffics or visitors. The bigger, the better.
How important is Alexa rank for a website or blog?
For those or blog owners who do not make their web or blog to look for money in the internet, Alexa rank is not important and useful. However, having a web or blog with good alexa rank could be a prestige for the owner because it shows that their web or blog is very popular. Am I right? Well. It depends on us.
For those or web or blog owners who become their web or blog to look for money, alexa rank is very important. Why is it very important? Because money giver websites, such as; Texts Link ads, Sponsored Review, ReviewMe, ask2link and others become alexa rank as the standard. Better alexa rank your web or blog has, more advertisers want to advertise in your web or blog. It means that $$$ will come to your wallet easily.
How can we increase the alexa rank?
Because alexa rank is very important for you who is looking for some money online, so you must make the alexa rank in your blog or web better and better. There are many ways to increase the alexa rank, but it seems that I will post about increasing the alexa rank in the next posting.
One of the most effective ways is by putting alexa widget in your blog or web, as Kang Rohman does in my present blog. For you who want to add alexa widget, just visit this website! You only type the URL address of your web or blog and then pick up the scripts and add into your web or blog.
Still confused about adding alexa widget, just wait for my next posting about alexa. Well, readers I think that’s the entire topic about alexa and for more details, just wait for my next posting...ok!!

Free Software: PHP and HTML Editor

php editor Would you like to be a Web designer? If the answer is yes, then you should master the basics of programming, such as; CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL and others. Besides mastering them, you should understand the software to manage the pictures, such as; adobe Photoshop, Corel draw, Macromedia flash player and others.
If you want to try to study about them, try to study about HTML program or PHP.
In order to make you easier to study, use the supporting software, for example PHP editor or HTML editor. You can buy this software in software seller, but if you want to get the free software, you can get it, too. Kang Rohman has tried free software called PHP editor, even though it is free but they are good enough. We can not only use it for editing PHP editor, but also for editing HTML. Are you interested in trying PHP editor software? Just click the banner below:
download php editor
Remember that, this software is not created by Kang Rohman, so for you who want to install this software into your computer, all the risk belongs to you.
Have a nice studying and I hope that you become an expert in web designer

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger
1) Treating Body Odor Less SedapTake a rhizome temu lawak. Grated and boiled with 1 liter of water cool before drinking.2) Clean the Blood

KEY Intersection

KEY Intersection
1) Drug SprueRhizome key meeting to chew-chew, then swallow. Menguyah rhizome slices with nut, in addition to heal canker sores, can also cure a dry cough.


1) Eliminate Body OdorBoil 5 pieces of fresh betel leaves with 2 cups of water. Boiling is done until the water to 1 cup. This water is drunk during the day.2) nosebleed or blood discharge from the NoseTake 1 sheet of fresh betel leaf is rather young. Wash thoroughly. Bent leaf rolled up for two ago tekukannya nostril. Then roll of betel leaf is inserted into a bloody nose. Do it until the blood stops flowing. Keep the 

patient still sitting upright so the blood does not flow into the back of the nasal cavity.3) Cleaning or Red Itchy EyesBoil 5-6 young betel leaves freshly picked with 1 cup water. After boiling, water cooled. Flush eyes with boiled water 3 times a day earlier.4) Scabby or Itchy-ItchyTake 20 pieces of betel leaf is quite old. Boil in water about 3-4 glasses. Use the cooking water is still warm to wash the affected body part sore or itchy.5) Drug SpruePetiklah 1 or 2 pieces of betel leaf. Clean and then chew the leaves until creamed. Leave for a while in the mouth, especially in the affected part of canker sores.6) Other BenefitsBetel leaf boiled water is also believed to eliminate bad breath when dikumur his mouth. Also, it can reduce acne if you beauty. The leaves are eaten with betel nut and lime is also believed to be able to strengthen the teeth so as not easy to date.


1) typhusPick 10-15 pieces of fresh bitter leaf. Add enough water and boil until boiling. To cope with leaves a very bitter taste, while the drink can be mixed with honey.


1) because the Heat Skin BlistersNotch or cut-cut papaya fruit skin. Absorb the sap and rub into skin blister. Let stand for a day and night. If the blister is wide enough, can be shredded papaya fruit and flesh attached.


PEGAGAN1) HemorrhoidsTake the following Centella asiatica plant roots as much as 5 plants. Once cleaned, cut-trim this plant. Enter into a container containing a cup of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. Chill the water, then drink little by little. One cup of water a day is spent



1) The animal bitten or SwellingTake a leaf or flower jasmine taste. Minced or crushed until smooth. After that, stick in the body of the sick.


1) Hair fertilizerTake the taste of fresh aloe vera leaves and split. Take a leaf meats such as gelatin and rubbed into the scalp. Subsequently the hair is wrapped in a cloth and allow some time to soak into the scalp before washing.


1) Various Skin Diseases, such as Scabies, Scabby, and UlcersGalangal rhizome garlic plus 4 times rhizome finely ground and used as a slurry (paste). Glue pasta in place of the sick. For chronic ringworm, add a little vinegar to the pasta. In addition, the chopped fresh ginger to arise fiber and given a little vinegar can be used to rub the skin fungus on the skin.


1) Increase AppetiteLempuyang bitter rhizomes of 150 g of washing and cleaning. Then the scar until smooth. Boil grated with 2,500 cc of water until the water by half. To eliminate the bitter taste can be added brown sugar 50 g. Strain before drinking. This water is taken 3 times a day, just 1 tablespoon.


1) DysenteryTurmeric rhizome of 1-2 fruit with 2 cups boiling water with gambier and whiting taste. Boiling is carried down to 1 cup, then filtered and water was drunk.2) Menstruation that NoncurrentTwo pieces of turmeric rhizome, ТН teaspoon coriander, ТН teaspoon nutmeg, and handheld ТН sri ivory 

leaves until finely crushed. Add 1 l of water and boil until boiling. The water is then filtered and drunk a glass a day.3) TonsilsTake 1-2 turmeric, 1 whole lemon, and 2 tablespoons of honey. Grated turmeric rhizome. Squeezed orange and take water. Combine these ingredients with honey and ТН glass of warm water. Stir and strain before drinking 2 cups regular all.4) Ulcers or ScabbyA turmeric rhizome is grated and added with a little coconut oil can be used to treat ulcers or sores. How, the material is mixed, then wrapped in banana leaves and dipangang until hot. Rub or paste the material is on the sick.5) Eradicate DandruffMashed turmeric rhizome rather large. After exiting the water rub or massage the juice on the scalp for overnight or at least a few hours. After that, wash hair with shampoo.6) Swelling of Limbs because bitten by insects or affected by caterpillar hair.Parutlah 2-3 turmeric rhizome. Add ТМ tablespoons of whiting and mixed evenly. Apply or paste material in the affected area.


1) Urinary Tract Infection or Frequent urination (Anyang-anyangan)Petiklah stalks and leaves as much as 30 g. cat whiskers Add leaves and Commelia communis meniran each 30 g. Boil and drink.2) Diabetes and choking and accompanied PainThe leaves can be dried cat's whiskers are brewed as tea, then drink with palm sugar is also efficacious.

3) High BloodPrepare a wet cat whiskers leaves and dry as much as 50 g. Leaves a dry cat whiskers cleaned and then boiled with water to taste. Fresh leaves brewed with hot water directly. The results of both ingredients were taken and then filtered. This herb should be drunk a glass a day.



1) AsthmaFor adults, amethyst can be used as cigarettes smoked patient. The trick cone-shaped flowers are dried, can also 2 cone-shaped leaves are dried. The leaves or flowers of this amethyst then rolled, then burned and inhaled like cigarettes. This medicine should not be smoked more than 1 stick within 6 hours, because it can cause addiction, so not suitable for children.


1) Fever
Petiklah 2-4 lime leaves handheld. Boil 2-4 cups of water. Use the cooking water is to compress the patient with a fever. The trick with a wash cloth in boiling water and squeezed, then placed on the forehead of the patient.


Ingredients and Benefits: Jamblang contain errors acid capable pursed urinary tract. In addition, the content of glucoside phytomelin accelerate wound healing. Substance tannins in seeds jamblang beneficial for lowering cholesterol.Note: Do not eat too much fruit because it will be difficult to dispose jamblang urine.
Usefulness:1. Diabetes15 jamblang seeds finely ground, then boiled with 2 cups water. This potion to drink 3x daily.2. Bedwetting

How to change the width of template

Today, I would like to talk about template again. Perhaps some of you really like your template but column width still bothers you. The column width doesn’t match with your want or like whether it is column width of the sidebar or main bar (posting column). Sometimes the width of the template is too wide or too narrow. Ok, if you really have such problems, I have tips to make the column width become our like or want.
In order to know the column width of a template, we can identify it through its CSS style sheet. Of course, there are some differences between one template to another and it surely depends on the template designer its self. For example; header, according to template standard of logger in its CSS style sheet named header but if the templates are made by the designer (out of blogger), it is named banner. Actually, name doesn’t influence anything. Name is used to make templates users easy to remember it if the edit the template.

How To Modify The Comment Form

After reading some messages in shoutbox, inbox and e-mails, I can say that many readers like the comment form that Kang Rohman uses in this blog.


As usual, if many readers like something from Kang Rohman’s posting, there will be many

Making writing with Web 2.0 style online

Do you want to make a beautiful writing with web 2.0 but you don’t have its software? Or you have its software but you don’t know how to make it? Or you are lazy and want the instant one? Why don’t we try to make it online and within one minute your writing will have been seen, for example the following writing:

blogging tutoriall 
If you would like to try it, please try in Just write any words or sentences

Making Read More plus the title of article

A few months ago, Kang Rohman explained about making Read More function, click this posting to read again. For you who would like to modify this Read More, Kang Rohman has a tip. The tip is about making the function of Read More plus the title of the article. Through this modification, the title of the article will be added automatically after Read More. Do you feel interested? So, feel free to read the rest of this posting…ok!
To make the function of Read More is not too difficult, you only need to add a few code at read more code that you have ever made before in your template. Here are the steps, in my previous tutorial; Kang Rohman gave a code like this:

Making Text Area

What is text area? It is an area or place to save the text or writing with a new area. Text area is usually used to save HTML code or the other texts so that the can be copied by the visitors.
In order to make a text are, you can copy the following code.
<p align="left">
<textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20">   
Save Your code here 

for example;

Making A Post Summary (Read More) at classic template

A few months ago, caniago online posted about making read more, click here to read it. That hack is applied well for those who use new template (XML) and it is not absolutely for classic template (HTML). From many readers of this blog, there are readers who still use classic templates and asked Caniago Online about making read more in a classic template.
For you who still use classic templates, just follow the following steps to make it.

How To Register in Search Engines

search-engine As we know that the main reasons to write in the blog is that they hope their writing could be read by others or blog visitors. More people or visitors will make us happy and proud, especially when they give some comments on our writing. For making the people come to our blog and then read our postings are not easy. We need high publication in order to increase the traffic.
We can use many ways to make our blogs famous and get many traffics, such as blog walking or visiting others blogs. Registering to various aggregator, and the most effective ways is through the search engine.

Tips To Delete The message of Blogger Searching Result

When we are searching for something in a blog whether it is from search engine added in the blog or through label or archive blogs, there is usually message above the page search and the message shows like below.
It seems that some bloggers don’t like it and asked Kang Rohman. Kang Rohman, Can we delete that message? Of, course we can and we can do it easily. You only need to add a few codes at your style sheet CSS.

Making A Label in A Drop down menu

Hello, Readers, do you still remember my post about making a label menu or category in label cloud that I posted here. Now, Kang Rohman would like to give a tutorial about making a label in drop down menu. If you have used a label cloud, it seems that this tutorial is not suitable for you. This tutorial is suitable for those who still use the original label of blogger.
Below is the sample of label in drop down menu

Making a contact form

contact-form A few days a go, after Kang Rohman wrote about Contact Us in this blog, there are many e-mails that ask on how to make a contact form like this blog’s contact form. I still remember it? I think I forget because I didn’t write the steps when I was making it. Well, readers, just a minute and let me remember it ok clip_image001
Before adding the contact form in your blog, it is better for you to consider the good things and bad things of adding the contact form. One of the good things of adding contact form is to ease the visitors to send you e-mails. And the bad things about it are people or your visitors are easy to send you e-mails. The consequence is that you have to be ready to receive a lot of e-mails in your inbox and spare your time to answer their e-mails,

Making A Scroll Function In A Page Element

In this bright day, it would be happy for me to respond one of the questions from the reader of Kang Rohman’s blog. The question is about “How to make a scroll function in a page element, like a scroll function of Blogging Tutorial For Beginner element at the bottom of this blog?”. I can say that the answer is very simple because we don’t have to make a lot of HTML code to make it. We only need a few HTML codes. If you are still curious to make it? Just read the tutorial below to understand what I mean…ok?
To make such kind of page, you only need to make the following code:

Navigation Tutorial: Dynamic-FX Slide-In Menu (V6.5)

slide in menu A few days ago, my friend Wizurai asked kang rohman to giving tutorial how to create menu in his blog, because there were many friends who wanted to know how to make such menu. Okay, kang rohman is giving the tutorial now.
The Menu found in the my friend Wizurai ‘s blog is called Dynamic-FX Slide-In Menu (v 6.5), The original source code and the sample of that menu can be seen at Why Dynamic-FX Slide-In Menu (v 6.5) is unique? Because the menu or navigation is hidden in the left side of the monitor screen, and we can see only the bar menu, but when it is pointed by the computer mouse then the menu will appear. The most interesting thing is how that menu will move according to the scrolling movement, so that it will always be seen at the left of the monitor screen.

Making Tag / Label Cloud in New Blogger Template

Update : This tutorial is no longer compatible, please read the latest tutorial, click here!
label-cloud_03 Hello, Friends, today is Ramadhan Month, I would like to say sorry if I have some mistakes to you and I have forgiven your mistakes too. In this beautiful day, I would like to try to respond one question that many friends have asked to Kang Rohman, the question is about how to make Tag / Label Cloud in New Blogger Template (xml).
In order to make a label cloud, I will use the technique of phydeaux. Before reading and applying this tutorial, make sure that you have added label element in your blog. Before doing this one, make sure that your blog uses a Label. OK my friends, here are the steps;

Tips To Delete the Image Border

Hello, Friends, when do you often insert an image, when you are posting in your blog?, like this .
Sometimes we feel bother with the border of the image, for example



Adding Smiley in Shout box

Have you even seen funny and miracle heads below?
For you who sometimes or often write in the guest book of this blog won’t surely be surprised with the funny and miracle heads anymore. Do you know what they are? Smiley or emotions. Yes, you are right, they smiley or emotions. All smiles or emotions belong to Shoutmix which are saved in the guest book facilities.
After writing some comments, the guests usually add a smiley or an emotion. Emotions or smiles in the guest comment of in the guest book will show the character of commentators or guests. But not all emotions or smiles really represent their characters because some commentators or guests like to pretend to have such kinds of characters.
Now, what about you? Would you like to add funny and miracle heads above? If you want to add them, you will able to do it easily. For example, you want to add this kind of head clip_image001 , this one clip_image002 or even more extreme emotions, like this clip_image003. Actually, those heads can be placed in the our Shoutmix as long as we know the image address of them.
If you really like emotions of yahoo messenger, you can see the image address here! what you need is only their image address. For examples, to show this emotionclip_image004, you should use this code

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